Competitor Resources
Below is key information for competitors and trainers. It includes important information on check in procedures, warm up day information, stall chart, dressage ride times, office hours, hays/shavings orders, daily schedule and results. All other information is available in our prize list.
Check In
All participants need to check in at the office prior to riding. During check in each rider will need to provide their equine health attestation and will be required to sign two release forms: one Facility Release and one Competitor Release. Release Forms can be signed ahead of check-in.
Release Forms
A Competitor Release and a Facility Release form must be signed by all riders prior to undertaking any riding on the property. This includes riding in the warm up arenas. For riders under 18, the Release Forms must be signed by a parent, or legal guardian only.
Before riders can collect their show numbers, we will need to collect both signed release forms. We recommend signing the release forms online ahead of check in. Click the links below to sign the combined competitor & facility release form online.
If you can not sign these online, please print the forms and bring these along signed. Signed releases are required for each individual show so even if you have signed these for previous shows, new ones are required.
Sign Release Forms Online
Download & Print Release Forms
Equine Health Attestation & Vaccinations
All competitors must complete an Equine Health Attestation and carry proof/certification of EHV-1 vaccination for each horse attending the show. Certification/proof of vaccinations may be requested at any time by competition management. Equine Health Attestation Forms can be turned when you check in at the show office or can be sent via email prior to arrival.
We require competitors to check out at the end of the show and this is when we will take payment. We accept check and credit card (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX & Discovery accepted). The fee for credit card payments in 4%.
There is no fee to pay by check. Checks payable to Sand Hill Equestrian Events LLC.
Warm Up Schedule
Riders MUST jump the course as posted. Ticketed schooling rounds are $20 each . All riders must be checked in at the office and wearing a number. All arenas close at 5:00 PM. Ticketed round/schooling rules will be posted at the back gate. Warm up schedule is on the show info page of RingRadar under the Files & Links section.
Stall Chart
Stalls are available for move-in from 8AM on Friday. Thursday setup is allowed but early move-in must be approved by management. Stall Chart & Stall Assignments will be posted on Wednesday before the show under the Files & Links section on the Show Page on RingRadar.
Hay/Shavings Orders
If you need to order hay or shavings during the show weekend, please order this at the show office. For same day delivery, orders need to be made before 11:00am.
Daily Schedule and Results
The daily schedule and results are available on RingRadar using the button below. Ribbons can be collected from the show office.
Show Office Open Hours
The show office hours are as follows:
Friday: 9:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 7:30am - 5:00pm
Sunday: 7:30am - End of show.