Entries will open in the New Year. Online entries are available through RingRadar. Through RingRadar you can enter the show, add & manage your classes, request stalls and order hay & shavings!
Stall Reservations
Reservations can be submitted through your entry on Ring Radar. For trainers booking stalls fo or hay/shavings for the group, use the stall reservation link below. Reservations are due by the closing date of each show. To reserve an RV hook up email us at entries.woodsideschoolingshows@gamil.com
Check In
All riders are required to check in on arrival at the show. To be able to collect your show numbers, all riders will be required to sign:
A Facility Release
A Competitor Release
An Equine Health Attestation
We will not be able to provide riders or trainers with show numbers unless all necessary documentation is provided. See the Competitor Resources page for links to the Release Forms.
Release Forms
Release Forms must be signed by all riders prior to undertaking any riding. This includes riding in the warm up arenas. For riders under 18, the Release Forms must be signed by a parent, or legal guardian only. Before riders can collect their show numbers, we will need to collect all signed release forms. See the Competitor Resources page for links to the Release Forms.
Equine Health Attestation & Vaccinations
All competitors must complete an Equine Health Attestation and carry proof/certification of EHV-1 vaccination for each horse attending the show. Certification/proof of vaccinations may be requested at any time by competition management. Equine Health Attestation Forms can be turned when you check in at the show office or can be sent via email prior to arrival.